We offer an initial telephone assessment to give you the opportunity to talk about your presenting issues, to discover if Sage is right for you and to assess your eligibility for counselling with Sage.
You will also be able to discuss your level of contribution for your weekly sessions.
The questions below will help the assessment counsellor understand your presenting issues and start providing appropriate counselling. Sometimes the assessment can be carried out in the home if the client has hearing difficulties.
Questions likely to be asked during assessment
Have you ever had counselling before? If yes, what was it for?
What has brought you to want counselling now?
What do you hope for from these counselling sessions?
What support network do you have; i.e. partner, relatives, social services?
Is anyone dependent on you; i.e. elderly, family?
How is your health?
Are you on any medication? If yes, are there any side effects?
Do you drink alcohol or take any non-prescription drugs?
Have you ever been linked to mental health services?
Have you ever hurt yourself or attempted suicide?
Is there anything else that you would like me to know?