About Sage Counselling and what we offer
Sage Counselling offers a team of qualified counsellors and student counsellors who are in their final stages of a recognised training course.
For more information about student counsellors see recruitment tab.
Our counsellors will give one-to-one counselling in the home or place of residence.
People can feel lonely, isolated or lost because life has changed in unexpected ways and sometimes it is a struggle to come to terms with recent or past events. Counselling offers a safe and confidential time to talk about feelings and thoughts. It can help people understand any underlying causes and to think about the way forward. It is also important to realise that counsellors will not give direct advice or tell clients what to do.
Counsellors offer attentive listening and remain open, receptive and non judgmental towards the story being told. Counselling will support people while they explore difficult and painful issues and help them find ways to improve their situation. This will sometimes mean coming to terms with things that cannot be changed.
Counselling takes place weekly as far as possible because regular sessions provide continuity for building relationship and trust with the counsellor and it can offer the support needed during a difficult time.
When clients first come to Sage Counselling there will be a telephone assessment to discern needs, suitability and eligibility.
Read our Testimonials